The question of breakfast vs. dinner is one that has plagued mankind for centuries. The idea that a restaurant could offer so many choices 24 hours a day seemed, at first, to be a gift from the gods. However, man quickly learned the harsh realities of such variety. In 423 B.C. Plato completed a lengthy dialogue in which he contemplated what he dubbed, “Dilemma Denniatos.” Directly translated this phrase can be roughly stated as, “Fighting Godstuff.” More accurately, English scholars have come to refer to this theory as, “The Denny’s Dilemma.” This theory states that when man is confronted with unlimited choices, he will not easily know which one to choose. Thus, the choice between Moons over My Hammy and The Denny’s Slamburger
(One of the lesser known trials of Heracles)
transforms itself from something that should be beautiful, into a test of personal strength and willpower. All joking aside, the post-graduation world is full of choices. Just like The Denny’s Menu, there are often times too many choices. I sometimes find myself unsure of what to do next, because there is no set path. Do I choose the safe one? Or the one less traveled? Do I apply for jobs in my field immediately, or do I travel the world? The important thing to remember is that no matter what you choose to do, you are not trapped. I can’t tell you how many times I hear people telling me they, “have to” do something. You don’t have to do anything! So you graduated, you got your degree in Advanced Russian Dungeons & Dragons™. That’s great! But it doesn’t mean you have to start looking for a job as a Dungeon Master. Me, I signed up for SCUBA lessons this week. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and it’s also something that I’m pretty terrified of. I think that’s why I’m doing it. It’s my attempt at a carpe diem attitude. Just remember to keep an open mind and say yes to all the wonderful possibilities you have before you. Just because you choose one path, doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind. So many people end up living miserably because they think they “have to” do something. It is your life, be a driver not a passenger, be a steamboat not a sailboat, shoot for the moon and other clichés. Say yes to the Lumberjack Slam today, because tomorrow is a new day and that means another chance to try The Maple Bacon Sundae.
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